The social responsibility of a public company is sustained by providing an answer to the basic question dealing with the fact that external responsibilities of the public company coincide with citizens’ rights.
The Port Authority of Bilbao wishes to comply with this responsibility via an Environmental Policy aimed at guaranteeing legal requisites in order to achieve effective management, offer transparency, accessibility and efficiency while striving for sustainability.
This is why the Port Authority of Bilbao considers the key tool in guaranteeing the correct implementation of the Environmental Policy is the maintenance and improvement of our environmental management system, a management system in permanent renovation and reformulation against the appearance of new environmental challenges.
Through its Environmental Declaration, made up in accordance with ISO 14001:2004 and Regulation (EC nº1221/2009) Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), the Port Authority of Bilbao aims to make known its environmental behaviour both clearly and unambiguously.