The Confederation of Valencian Entrepreneurs (CEV) has presented Confesbask (the equivalent organisation in the Basque Country) and the Port Authority of Bilbao with a study entitled The potential demand for goods transport in the Bay of Biscay Mediterranean Corridor, whose aim is to encourage investment in order to improve this rail structure.
The study concludes that “at the present moment, there exists an important potential demand for users of this corridor, and with the proposed improvements, between 48 and 54 weekly two-way trains would be brought into service. The present inefficiencies in the Bay of Biscay Mediterranean Corridor oblige users to make intensive use of goods transport by road and to resort to alternative rail routes via Tarragona and Madrid. According to 2015 figures, when the first report was carried out, this supposes an estimated increase in the cost of 364,485 kilometres more a year, more CO2 emissions and additional spending of 1.66 million euros”.
In addition to the company responsible for the study, the presentation was attended by CEV chairman, Salvador Navarro, Confebask chairman, Roberto Larrañaga, its general director Eduardo Aretxaga, and the general secretary of SEA-Empresarios
Alaveses (Alava Entrepreneurs), Juan Ugarte. Also present were Asier Atutxa, Port Authority of Bilbao chairman and Luis Gabiola, General Director of Operations, Commercial Area and Logistics besides representatives from UniportBilbao, the Port Authorities of Valencia and of the Mediterranean Shipping Company.