Management Policy
The PORT AUTHORITY OF BILBAO considers the management of Quality, Prevention, the Environment, Security of the Information, Rail Safety, Healthy Organisation and Innovation as priority activities inside the organisation, and understands them as follows:
- The satisfaction at all times of its customer and user needs and expectations.
- Preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information to ensure the continued provision of services.
- The acknowledgement of the right of its workers and other involved parties to health protection and integrity at work.
- Exercising adequate control over those significant aspects derived from its activities that might produce a negative impact on the environment.
- The promotion of health outside the workplace with regard to the epidemiologic characteristics of their community group.
- Improving competitiveness within the APB itself and the logistics-port community through the development and implementation of innovation projects
In consequence, the following commitments have been established, declared and assumed:
- Systematization of the actions for the planning, introduction, supervision and continuous improvement during the complete cycle of the activity to be achieved:
- The final quality of services provided to customers, users and affected third parties.
- Integration of risk prevention at work within the activities as a whole.
- Prevention of environmental contamination in their fields of activities.
- Providing the tools and services that enable worker implication in the development and enjoyment of their health.
- Control own and third party railway safety risks
- Coordination and cooperation with other involved parties.
- Identification and systematic permanent updating of legal demands, current norms or other requirements such as the basic criteria to establish commitments to quality, prevention, the environment, security of the information and healthy organisation in its services and activities.
Continuous improvement
- To establish, document and revise annually at least, the objectives and initiatives for each of the functions and the levels affected.
- To make the Management Policy available to employees, customers, users, third parties involved, Administrations and the public at large.

To achieve and maintain the above-mentioned commitments, the PORT AUTHORITY OF BILBAO has adopted the management models set out in Regulations ISO 9001, 45001, 14001, 27001, european regulation EMAS, Rail Safety, 27001, the Model for the Healthy Organisation and UNE 166002, as well as the latest revised version, and designed and introduced an Integrated Management System within an:
“Integrated Logistics Management and Port Services Provision”