Last year, Bahía de Bizkaia Gas (BBG), located in the Port of Bilbao’s industrial zone, regasified nearly 19% of the liquefied natural gas introduced into the Spanish gas system and contributed 11% of all the gas consumed.
These figures make BBG the most used regasification plant in Spain, and consolidate the

Port of Bilbao as one of the most important gas entry points in the gas system. In 2012, 44 liquefied natural gas carriers berthed at the Port’s facilities with 2.7 million tonnes, which was 9% up on 2011. The main countries of origin of the gas were Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Norway and Nigeria.
BBG came into operation in August 2003 and until 2012, 469 liquefied natural gas carriers with 60.4 million cubic metres had berthed in the Port of Bilbao. In those nine years, BBG regasified a total of 403,789 GWh.
At present, the company – in which ENAGAS Transporte SAU, the Basque Energy Entity and REFF are shareholders – is building its third liquefied natural gas storage tank, with a 150,000-cubic metre LNG capacity, which will thus capacity increase to 450,000 cubic metres. The works will be completed in autumn 2014.