For the third consecutive year, Bilbao PortLab, the innovation and entrepreneurship hub of the Port Authority of Bilbao, will be at B-Venture, the sixth edition of which is to be held at the Euskalduna Conference Centre on 19 & 20 October. Specifically, Bilbao PortLab will be represented by its coordinator, Nagore Ardanza, in the round table entitled “What’s the value of my Start-up?”, scheduled for Tuesday, 19 October, at 10:40.
Bilbao PortLab will also take advantage of this meeting point for entrepreneurs and investors to contact start-ups with the potential to develop their technologies in the port and logistics environment, to further develop business contacts with other organisations and companies attending, to participate in the workshops and presentations scheduled over the two days and to present their services. In this respect, Bilbao PortLab will run a workshop on the Ports 4.0 Fund, the 2021 call for proposals for which is due to be published before the end of the year.
Promoted by the Port Authority of Bilbao and part of the Bilbao Port and River Foundation, Bilbao PortLab is an innovation and research hub whose mission is to create an innovation ecosystem in the port of Bilbao. To do so, Bilbao PortLab not only works with port companies on innovation projects that can be taken forward from within the port, but is also open to innovation projects from outside the port community. Interested companies are invited to participate and take advantage of the funding opportunities for their innovation plans currently under submission or which may be presented in the future.
Bilbao PortLab, with information on around 200 innovative companies already stored in its database, has supported and enabled 6 of the 33 business ideas approved in the first call for applications for grants from the “Ports 4.0” Fund, promoted by the company Puertos del Estado / Ports of the State.
The Bilbao PortLab advisory committee is made up of representatives from the Port Authority of Bilbao, Ports of the State, SPRI, the

Provincial Council of Bizkaia, BEAZ, Seed Capital Bizkaia, UniportBilbao, the Basque Maritime Forum, the Mobility and Logistics Cluster, Tecnalia, Innobasque, Orkestra and three universities: University of the Basque Country – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV-EHU), the University of Deusto and the University of Mondragón.
B-Venture, the largest entrepreneurship event in the north of Spain, hosts a programme of conferences, round tables and project presentations with investors and entrepreneurs from all over the country, with practical workshops and networking meetings to discuss innovation, entrepreneurship, funding and ideas.
Organised by El Correo, the event is sponsored by the SPRI Group, the Basque Government Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and Bilbao City Council, with the collaboration of Banco Sabadell, Laboral Kutxa, BBK Fundazioa, CaixaBank, University of Deusto, Mondragon Unibertsitatea / the University of Mondragón, Basque Culinary Center, University of the Basque Country, SSI Group, Tecnotooling, Acciona and the Port Authority of Bilbao.