Open to schoolchildren taking part in this school year’s “Ezagutu Portua” 2015/2016
With a view to creating bonds between young people and the Port of Bilbao and boosting socio-cultural and educational activities, the Port Authority has announced its “First Port of Bilbao Stories Competition” aimed at schoolchildren between the ages of ten and fourteen who take part in the Ezagutu Portua programme (Basque for “Know your Port”) during the 2015/2016 school year.
The story theme will be free, although it must satisfy at least one of the following conditions: the action must take place in the Port of Bilbao; some profession, activity or element must be related to Port activity; it should include some goods item transported through the Port or it should mention an anecdote or something learnt from the guided tour of the Port. The criteria assessed by the jury will be originality, creativity, richness of language, knowledge of the Port of Bilbao and the incorporation of human and social values.
Two years of school visits
In 2014, the Port Authority of Bilbao began a programme of educational visits for schoolchildren to make known both the development and present reality of Port activity. Between then and October this year 6,500 schoolchildren have visited the Port.
Due to the large number of requests received, there are no free available days for the remainder of this school year, but in May applications for 2016/2017 will be opened.
The visits are free and take place from Monday to Friday every week during the school year. The activity forms part of the

competences being worked on in the schools. The following thematic areas are dealt with: History and Geography (History of the River and Port); types of vessels (typology and parts of a boat); maritime transport (means of transport, maritime traffic, historical and present day professions in the Port) and energy and the environment (renewable energies and measuring instruments).