The Association of Merchant Sea Captains of Biscay and the University of the Basque Country have organised the II International Shipping Congress to be held in Bilbao from 16 to 18 May. The different fields concerning maritime activity will be tackled from a multi-disciplinary perspective, with special attention being paid to the ports area.
The Congress is titled “The Shipping Industry in the XXI Century” and it aims to consolidate its status as a forum for professionals working in the sector. The sessions will take place in the Main Hall of the University of the Basque Country in Avenida Abandoibarra, Bilbao, and they will be inaugurated by Asier Atutxa, the Chairman of the Bilbao Port Authority.
Tuesday 16 may will be dedicated to six themes: shipbuilding, legislation, cruises, the fishing industry, training and maritime safety and security.
Wednesday 17 May will also have six sessions: workplace risk prevention in shipping, maritime traffic, marine insurance,