It was the first Port Authority in Spain to receive certified recognition for the area and among the first companies in Biscay to be awarded certification.
The Port Authority of Bilbao organized an information session to share its cardioprotected area experiences and to explain the advantages of having semiautomatic external defibrillators (SAED).
The session was attended by more than 50 representatives from both port – Acideka, Bahía de Bizkaia Gas y Electricidad, Befesa Valorización de Azufre, Fertiberia, Intertek Ibérica, Noatum Container Terminal Bilbao and Sociedad de Estiba y Desestiba- and external companies – Bridgestone Hispania, Cruz Roja, Iberdrola and Mutualia-, and representatives from other ports such as Valencia.
In March 2012, the Port Authority of Bilbao was awarded the Cardioprotected Area Certificate by the Spanish Society of Occupational Medicine and Safety (SEMST)
This certification was a further step in the Port Authority’s occupational health and safety policy and in this field, placed the entity at the head of other ports in the Spanish General Interest Port system as it was the first port authority in Spain to obtain the certificate. Likewise, the Port Authority was looked upon as a reference point among companies in Biscay, since it became a pioneer when achieving the credential.
As part of the occupational health prevention campaigns it has been carrying out with employees and following a thorough analysis of the facilities, accessibility to resources and employee flows, the Port Authority of Bilbao, which employs 270 people, has installed seven semiautomatic defibrillators in its centres and administrative offices in Santurtzi, Bilbao, Getxo and Zierbena, in such a way that 80% of these workers are only three minutes away from one of them.
This initiative also benefits many other port employees and businesses because, if needed, the defibrillators can attend the majority of the employees of other companies working in the port on a daily basis. It is estimated that around 5,000 people pass
through the port area every day and the defibrillators make it possible for the majority of them to be attended; if necessary, defibrillators can be used since, in addition to the Port Authority equipment, another four companies have joined the project and installed their own defibrillators, making 15 SAEDS in all.

The Port Authority also held another two information sessions for health professionals – the first for those working in the PAB itself, and the second for those health employees in public domain port facilities.
All three sessions finished with a six-hour course provided by the Basque Health (Osakidetza) Emergency Services.