Today, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Bilbao has awarded the “Contract for the alienation of the lands obtained from carrying out filling-in works in public port domain for their incorporation into the urban boundaries of Integrated Action A1-2 in Zorrotzaurre” to the temporary consortium formed by Acciona Construcción, S.A. and Altuna y Uría, S.A.
As antecedents, it should be noted that the tender offered at the time for award of the above-mentioned contract was declared null and void as at first no offer was received. However, the application regulations allow a later direct award of the contract, provided that the conditions of the award are not less than those an initial award would have supposed, and that an agreement would be reached within a year of putting out the tender, and this period will expire on 4 July 2019.
In this way, the proposal presented by the temporary consortium Acciona Construcción, S.A. and Altuna y Uría, S.A. conforms with the documented conditions required by the specifications in the tender and respond to the compliance of the conditions for the alienation fixed in the same. These conditions essentially refer to the carrying out of the filling-in works at the temporary consortium’s own risk at an estimated cost of 20.48 million euros excluding VAT, and to the payment of the minimum sale established amount of 1.45 million euros, excluding VAT, and to the payment of 1.79 million euros, excluding VAT, for overheads incurred by costs and expenses.
Once the tenderer has successfully executed the filling-in works, which they must finance wholly, the Port Authority of Bilbao will be bound to promote and negotiate the later procedures for disaffection and alienation of the resulting plot of land, finally formalising the purchase and sale and transfer of some 51,700 m2 of land to the tenderer.
Then, the tenderer-purchaser, will be able to proceed to the urban development and building promotion as set out in Integrated Action A1-2 of the Special Plan for Town Planning in the Mixed Area of Zorrotzaurre. Here six residential plots are planned with the construction of 12 blocks of dwellings based on a property percentage in the A1-2 of nearly 80%.

The execution of the filling-in works is expected to commence in August and is scheduled for 22 months. In this way, if all goes to plan, this essential project for the development of Zorrotzaurre could be finished in 2022.
Punta Zorroza
After these actions in Zorrotzaurre are completed, the next contribution the Port Authority makes towards the urban expansion and regeneration within the Bilbao town boundaries will be centred on Zorroza. Specifically, it has approved the declaration of public port domain lands located inside the Zorroza port area as unneeded, as well as rail connection infrastructures, with a total area of some 100,000m², and reached an agreement with the Bilbao Town Council for their later alienation to the Council. Consequently, once the disaffection of the Port lands is completed, and the processing for the formalising of the Alienation Agreement between both institutions is finalised, the process is expected to be finalised in the first half of 2020.