The II “Empresa Saludable” (Healthy Company) Awards, the most prestigious in Spain in this afield, and organised by PSYA, ORH-Human Resources Observatory and e-saludable, have awarded the Port Authority of Bilbao with a special mention for the “Best Programme for Health Control” in recognition of the work carried out in its health promotion programme.
The Port Authority of Bilbao has resolved to integrate health promotion in work accident prevention interventions through its Portu Osasuntsua (Basque for “Health in the Port”) programme, which sets out the necessary conceptual framework to organise and undertake health programmes in the company, as well as participation and collaboration channels of all the important actors.
The main objectives of the project is to achieve a healthy workplace, as the WHO establishes in the Luxembourg Declaration. The project comprises different activities and campaigns based on general health strategies and designed with a view to closing gaps found in the organisation or to improving aspects requested by employees themselves.
The following are developed, among others:
• Strategy to prevent cardiovascular disease and to promote heart-healthy habits
• Healthy eating programme
• Physical exercise programme
• Colorectal cancer prevention campaign
• Prostate cancer prevention campaign
• Thyroid disease prevention campaign
• Sudden death prevention campaign
• Blood donation activities
• Bone marrow donation activities
• Informative and training talks

38 projects from all over Spain were presented for these awards and the winners include companies such as Banco Santander, Orange, BMW Ibérica, Galp Energía, Basf española, the Adecco group and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
The Port Authority of Bilbao was the only company in the Basque Country to receive such an award, and on its behalf, Alberto Ojanguren, Manager of the Department for Prevention and Environment, and Joseba Gotzon Calvo Larrondo, the person responsible for the health promotion project, received the award.
This award follows on from the recognition last July from Gosasun – an award promoted by Innobasque, the Basque Agency for Innovation, to encourage healthy practices in the workplace based on three main pillars- eating habits, physical activity, and emotional health.