Free guided tours on October Saturdays and Sundays
The Port of Bilbao will take part in the European Heritage Days Programme with guided visits conducted in Basque and Spanish every weekend in October. The visits will start at 11.00 a.m. at the Tourist Office in the fishing port of Santurtzi, where a coach will leave for a tour of the Port docks in the towns of Santurtzi and Zierbena. Bookings can be made either through the Port’s website or by calling 607526544.
The European Heritage Days, which the Council of Europe in cooperation with the European Union has been organising since 1991, are open-house days for citizens to share. They are held all over Europe with the basic aim of establishing a connection between citizens and heritage. Over 50 member states take part in this great occasion. Guided visits, routes and tours, exhibitions, concerts and all kinds of cultural events call for all the citizens of Europe to live its great cultural heritage festivity together.
Biscay, through its Territorial Council and the involvement of

town councils and other entities in the Territory, like the Port Authority, joined the Project in 2001 in order to make its cultural heritage known by exploiting the existing territorial resources “in situ”. In this way, it is hoped that visitors will feel identified with the place they visit, recognise themselves in it and promote its conservation.