Technology, design and communication are the three pivots of the Port Centre – the Port of Bilbao dissemination centre promoted by the Port Authority in the River of Bilbao Maritime Museum. The Port authority invested 400,000 euros in this project which will now be handed over to the Museum for its permanent public exhibition and conservation.
The Centre aims to be both educational and entertaining. The binomials instructive-entertainment plus teaching and attractive balance the proposition. Here come together Telesonic’s audiovisual effects, Virtualware’s software design and the conceptualisation and museography designed by Ortzadar – three leading companies in each of the three fields mentioned.

The concept of a Port Centre space is something that already exists in other European countries. The project, which occupies approximately 418m² on the second floor, integrates into the Maritime Museum’s value proposition and helps to strengthen it. On the one hand, the Museum explains the influence of the Bay of Biscay in the relation between the Basques and the sea from the time of their origins, protects our maritime heritage and

enables us to delve more deeply into our knowledge and traditions. On the other, the Port Centre brings us closer to the present and the future with the Port of Bilbao as the driving force.
Thus, this Project provides the Maritime Museum with a new innovating museographic space, and enriches both the cultural and recreational offer in Bilbao, while bringing the Port closer to the public by providing them with a sample of what it is and what it means, in addition to showing it as an agent that influences Biscay’s socio-economic capacity. Bearing this in mind, a formidable tool is now underway to get to know the Port and also to develop a more sustainable relationship between Port and City, with accessible resources for all publics.
It sets out a scheme of contents that facilitates understanding of the Port’s commercial and industrial activities, the goods transported, international trade, the careers in the Port, City-Port integration and the work carried out to benefit sustainability.