Total investment will reach 11.01 euros
Today, Asier Atutxa, Chairman of the Port Authority, together with Pilar García de Salazar, Vice-President of the Territorial Council of Alava and responsible for Economic Development and Territorial Equilibrium and Antonio Aiz, Vice-Deputy for Infrastructures and Transport in the Autonomous Basque Government, visited the completed works of the Arasur goods sidings and the area where the development works will commence next week.
The works on the rail sidings were concluded last November at a final cost of 5.28 million euros with a 15-month completion period, and were the result of the collaboration agreement between the Autonomous Basque Government, the Territorial Council of Alava and the Port Authority to install a Port of Bilbao operational rail base at this logistics platform.
The facility has two tracks for train reception and despatch and another two for loading and discharge. Each of the four tracks is 450 metres long and can switch from Iberian to international gauge. There is also a loading bay fitted out to enable intermodal cargo transfer.
A shunting track remains to be constructed and this will be completed over the summer. This work is the result of an agreement reached with Talgo, which will allow the rail diversion to the ADIF main line track (what is known as “tapping into” the general network). The shunt works are being carried out by the Port Authority at an estimated cost of 0.91 million euros with a 9-month completion period. So when the present works are finished, both companies will share the only access to the ADIF general track.
The works on developing the goods sidings will commence next week and will be financed by the Port Authority. They were awarded at an estimated cost of 4.82 million euros with a 10-month completion period. On the one hand the works comprise the development of the storage area adjacent to the goods sidings with an area of some 40.000 m² together with a 120-metre long access road to the platform.

On the other hand, the construction of a management unit occupying 300 m² divided into two 150 m²-floors is also included along with a 500 m²- goods storage pavilion, 20 metres wide by 25 long, which can be extended in the future.
With these works, the Port of Bilbao wants its Arasur goods sidings to efficiently serve for grouping goods proceeding from the platform’s logistics hinterland and to then send them to the Port by shuttle-type trains, at fixed times and with pre-fixed compositions.
It is estimated that 6.3 million tonnes, whose origin or destination is in Alava and its immediate hinterland of La Rioja and Navarre, are exported/imported by road or through ports other than Bilbao. Of these 6.3 million tonnes, it is estimated that 2.2 million can be attracted towards the Port of Bilbao, with competitive advantages for shippers if combined with the Arasur Rail Platform.