The Port of Bilbao has hosted the second meeting of the Bilbao Port Lab Advisory Committee, in which the hundred or so projects submitted within the first call for proposals of the Ports 4.0 Fund were revealed, together with the steps to be taken to promote innovation in the port. Those projects considered to be the most cutting-edge and best aligned to the needs of the port will be supported by Port Lab, whether or not they are eligible for 4.0 funding.
During the meeting, the Bilbao Port Lab roadmap for 2021 was also approved, focusing on three areas: funding innovative projects, awareness and training, and the services to be offered to projects and to the port community.
The aim of Bilbao Port Lab is to create an innovation ecosystem in the Port of Bilbao by working with port companies on innovation projects that arise within the port, or by attracting projects from outside. The Port Lab also invites these businesses to participate and take advantage of funding opportunities for current and potential future innovation plans.
To do so, Bilbao Port Lab provides start-ups, entrepreneurs and companies with a living lab environment to test and develop prototypes, to facilitate contact among port companies, to provide a space to develop projects and to support entrepreneurs with the preparation of the corresponding individualised work plans.

As a step to deliver this goal, Port Lab has formed part of the Bilbao Port and River Foundation, which has set up a work team to promote and coordinate the centre. The advisory board is made up of representatives from the State Ports Authority, the SPRI group (the Basque Government’s Business Development Agency), Seed Capital Bizkaia and Beaz (both companies of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia), Tecnalia, UniportBilbao/BCLM, University of the Basque Country – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV-EHU), University of Deusto, University of Mondragón, MLC, Innobasque; ORKESTRA Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Basque Maritime Forum and the Port Authority of Bilbao itself.
The Port Authority of Bilbao will set up a section on its website ( where companies can submit their inquiries and innovation projects.