With a view to attracting young talent to the logistics-port sector and contributing to youth employment in Bizkaia, the Port Authority of Bilbao and UniportBilbao, the Basque multimodal logistics cluster, will be taking part in the 2nd Cámarabilbao Job Fair this Thursday, 31 October.
At the event, the port community will share a stand from which it will showcase the professional opportunities available at the Port of Bilbao for people between 16 and 30 years of age. As well as the opportunity of having one-to-one interviews with people from the Port Authority and UniportBilbao, those who visit the stand will also be able to sign up to the job bank of the port community to start their professional career, and to attend the talk on ‘Professional opportunities in the Port of Bilbao: present and future’, to be held at 11.30 a.m.
The Port of Bilbao is the main logistics, industrial and energy hub across the area from Algeciras to Le Havre, contributing 8% of the GDP of the Basque Country and 17% of that of Bizkaia. The port provides employment for more than 58,000 people in various professions, ranging from stevedores, pilots, tugboat workers, moorers, freight forwarders, shipping agents, customs agents, haulage companies, lashing experts and health inspectors, to engineers, lawyers, economists, sales and marketing technicians, administrative staff, maintenance managers, ships’ masters and port police, amongst others.
The event will be held at the headquarters of the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce from 09.00 to 18.00h. Those wishing to attend can register at camarabilbao.com.
Attracting young talent
In line with its constant efforts to recruit young people looking to develop their professional career in the logistics and port sector, the Port Authority of Bilbao is organising a series of activities to bring the port and its activities closer to the youth of Bizkaia and help them find work.

These include the Work Internship Programme in the functional areas of the different departments of the Port Authority, an initiative promoted by the Bilbao Port and River Foundation for people under 30 years of age, graduates in university studies or in Higher Level Vocational Training, unemployed, with no qualified experience related to their qualifications and not having previously been awarded a grant for professional work experience.
The Port Authority is also involved in various other initiatives designed to attract young talent. One such example is the recent collaboration with Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the As Fabrik project, where a presentation of the port was given to first-year Data Analytics students who were then given the challenge of analysing the port’s traffic. The results of each team will be presented at a Demo Day on 9 December in the conference room of the Port Authority.
Other initiatives in which the Port Authority is actively involved include Erronka Industry, promoted by the FVEM – Biscay Federation of Metal Companies, the Company Presentation Day and Job Fair run by the Bilbao School of Engineering of the University of the Basque Country, and the Job Fair of the University of Deusto.