With the aim of continuing to promote awareness and respect for diversity, the Bilbao Port Authority has held a workshop entitled ‘Seas of Diversity: Making LGBTI Realities Visible in the Maritime Sector’.
The event, led by Itziar Sabas, Director of Human Resources and Communication at the Bilbao Port Authority, was attended by a broad cross-section of the port community. Aratz Castro, the Head of Ortzadar – the Association for the Rights of the LGBTI Collective in the Basque Country – also took part. In his talk, Castro gave the audience an insight into concepts related to sexual-affective diversity, such as the difference between sex, gender and sexual orientation, or the use of language as a tool for discrimination.
Afterwards, the Catalan artist Víctor Ramírez spoke about the different forms of artistic expression presented in the exhibition ‘Desire is as fluid as the sea’, organised by the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, with a view to highlighting and raising awareness of the realities of homosexuality among seafarers.