Twelve different organisations and associations related to the maritime sector have set up the Seafarers’ Welfare Board of the Port of Bilbao, with a view to working together to improve the living conditions of this specific group of people and thus reduce, as far as possible, any feelings these people may have of being uprooted, of loneliness and any other problems or difficulties they may face during their stay in the Port of Bilbao.
The Board, established on the initiative of the Bilbao Port Authority, has been set up within the framework of the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, regarding the existence of shore-based services for seafarers and the awareness of, access to and use of such services. In addition to the Bilbao Port Authority, the Board is made up of the Apostleship of the Sea – Stella Maris, the Bilbao Harbour Master’s Office, the Social Marine Institute, the Association of Shipping Agents and Stevedores, the Spanish Shipowners‘ Association (ANAVE), the Basque Shipowners’ Association (ANAVAS), the International Transport Forum (ITF), the Pilots‘ Corporation, the Merchant Navy Captains’ Association and the Professional Association of Marine Engineers and Naval Machinists.
The activities of the Board include promoting, jointly and within the scope of each member’s respective competences, concern for the welfare of the seafarers who call at the Port of Bilbao, both from a human and social point of view; raising and discussing problems of a human and social nature, analysing them
and proposing solutions; promoting collaboration between the different relevant organisations and bodies; ensuring that the welfare facilities in the Port of Bilbao are adequate, deciding whether it is advisable to incorporate new facilities and/or to eliminate underused ones; mutual assistance and collaboration between the Board members; and transferring initiatives to the National Committee.