W.E.C. Lines has opened a rail link between the Port of Bilbao and the Intermodal Logistics Centre in Agoncill, La Rioja. Trains depart from the Agoncill terminal, operated by Transportes Royo, on Mondays and Thursdays, coinciding with the departures from the port of its services to Liverpool and the Nordic countries and northern Europe.
For W.E.C. Lines, La Rioja is one of the most important areas in Spain, “where we have high expectations of growth due to its presence, role and even greater potential in international trade, especially with the United Kingdom and the rest of Continental Europe, where we are a leading shipping company”.
With over 50 years of experience in the sector, W.E.C. Lines has been operating in Spain for over 15 years, over which time it has constantly been adapting its services to market and customer needs and expectations. Two years ago, the company launched a direct service between Bilbao and the ports of Thamesport and Moerdijk, with weekly connections with the rest of the United Kingdom and Continental Europe, including Norway, Poland and Lithuania. More recently, in February, it inaugurated the NSC- UKPT service, connecting Bilbao and Liverpool in just three days.
W.E.C. Lines is an expert in Shortsea Shipping. As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions, it has announced that it will continue to opt for intermodal solutions to connect with its vessels.