The Port, Port Logistics Services and the Town Council reach an agreement in response to residents’ request
La Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao ha llegado a un acuerdo de intenciones con la empresa Servicios Logísticos Portuarios (SLP) para adquirir la última grúa en servicio de Zorroza, una vez que finalice su vida útil, para su posterior transmisión al Ayuntamiento de Bilbao. De este modo, se atiende la petición de los vecinos del Muelle de Zorroza, y en su nombre del propio Ayuntamiento, para que se mantenga en el futuro dicha grúa como un valor cultural.
The Port Authority of Bilbao has come to an agreement of intent with the Town Council and SLP (Port Logistics Services) in order to acquire the last crane in operation in Zorroza, once its service life has ended, and pass it over to the Bilbao Town Council. Thus, the request made by the residents through the Council to keep the crane for posterity due to its cultural value has been granted.
The Chairman of the Port Authority, Asier Atutxa, explains that “the Bilbao Council told us the Zorroza residents and the Council itself were interested in saving this symbol of our industrial heritage, just as we had done before with the Carola Crane opposite the Maritime Museum. As we also share this interest,

we signed an agreement of intent with the crane owners so that when they no longer need the crane, instead of transferring it to another dock, selling it to third persons or scrapping it, they will sell it to us so we can donate it to the town.”
Although there is still no date for the end of the crane’s service life, this agreement guarantees “we guarantee its silhouette will still stand out in the neighbourhood.”