The “e-puertobilbao” initiative is a project headed by APB, whose development guidelines are marked by the Port Community companies. e-puertobilbao was born with a vocation to become the platform of reference for providing electronic commerce services within the whole user community of the Port of Bilbao. In order to achieve this, the Port Authority reached an agreement with all the parties involved, so as to constitute and gain the loyalty of the different agents that make up the port sector in a virtual community.
Its fundamental goal is to achieve greater speed and efficiency in the passage of vessels and goods through the Port, in such a way that companies and Port as a whole will be more competitive.
That is to say, our commitment is centred on achieving a port that runs smoothly, is competitive and equipped with the necessary infrastructure and infostructure to satisfy the needs of all types of traffics, and especially those requiring great coordination and speed, as is the case of containers or European short sea traffic, including motorways of the sea.