2024 Tariffs (€)
G.T. | Inner harbour | Outer harbour |
0 / 1750 | 113.57 | 169.29 |
1751 / 5000 | 254.34 | 381.63 |
5001 / 10000 | 685.64 | 1032.45 |
10001 / 15000 | 836.55 | 1257.27 |
15001 / 20000 | 1031.21 | 1552.83 |
20001 / 40000 | 1329.77 | 2012.17 |
40001 / 70000 | 1846.73 | 2784.69 |
70001 / 100000 | 2393.30 | 3614.38 |
OVER 100000 | 3332.32 | 5032.52 |
- Inner harbour: Comprises Zierbena, Santurce and the River.
- Outer harbour: Comprises Punta Lucero Breakwater, the Refinery and Punta Ceballos jetties and Punta Sollana.
- 1.- Car-carriers, ferries and cruisers will be granted a 25% reduction.
- 2.- Trailer-carriers, with a basic cargo of trailers will be granted a 45% reduction.
- 1.- If the mooring company is responsible for any delays in the service, the following reductions will be made on the standard rates:
- First hour’s delay: 0%.
- Second hour or fraction thereof: 10%.
- After second hour: 20% for each hour or fraction.
- 1.- Cancellation or postponement of previously requested services:
- Cancellations made 60 minutes or more before the requested time will undergo no surcharge.
- Those made 59 minutes or less before the requested time will be subject to a 50% surcharge on the corresponding rate.
- 2.- Prolonged duration of mooring / unmooring (by reasons beyond the company Mooring):Periods greater than 2 hours once vessel has been made available to its captain:
- First additional hour: 20% on corresponding rate.
- Subsequent hours (per hour): 15% on corresponding rate.
- 1.- Mooring services to buoys or in shipyards will have the same rate as that of the Outer Harbour.
- 2.- For cases not mentioned above, or for any other inquiries or further information, please contact the mooring company or the Bilbao Port Authority.