In the Port of Bilbao no effort is spared to guarantee high standards in both safety – in work and industrial terms as well as in technological risks and dangerous goods handling – and in security – with the introduction of the ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) as promoted by the IMO Security Committee.

In the Safety field the Port of Bilbao offers:
- 24-hour-a-day medical care 365 days a year.
- An Integrated Quality-Prevention-Environment Management system.
- Port of Bilbao Self-Protection Plan.
- Quantitative risks analysis.
- Anti-accidental hydrocarbon contamination of the sea contingency plan.
- Emergency Control Centre, manned by the necessary human resources and equipped with the most advanced technical means.
With regard to security, the Port Authority of Bilbao, in collaboration with the Interior Department of the Autonomous Basque Government, has an Integrated Security System that provides smooth and effective solutions for the security needs of the many Port users.