Biscay Line – Multiple port Finland – Estonia – Belgium – Spain long distance MoS, relevant to many core network corridors
General Information on 2014-EU-TM-0487-M (26191477)
The action is embedded in the development of the Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T), concretely linked to five core network corridors, i.e. Scandinavia-Mediterranean, North Sea-Mediterranean, North Sea-Baltic, Atlantic and Rhine-Alpine regions. Two main objectives are to be achieved by this action. On one hand, this action will improve operations and handling capacity, as well as competitiveness of the EU ports of Antwerp and Bilbao, contributing to the achievement of a European maritime transport space without barriers. On the other hand, it will reduce the environmental impact of the RoRo vessels traffic operations and ensure compliance of the maritime service with international regulations.
Finnlines Plc
Antwerp Port Authority (APA)
Antwerp Euro Terminal NV (AET)
Consignaciones Toro y Betolaza (TORO)
Port of Bilbao Authority (Bilbao Port)
Estimated cost of the action:
Percentage of EU support:
Maximum EU contribution:
The project is divided into 5 activities:
Activity 1: Emission abatement Technology installation on large RoRo vessels
Activity 2: Energy efficiency measures – ship energy governance
Activity 3: Intermodal terminal upgrades in the Port of Antwerp
Activity 4: Port Community System improvement in the Port of Antwerp
Activity 5: Upgrade of RoRo ramp in the Port of Bilbao
Activity 6: Handling equipment – Terminal operator Bilbao

Activity 5: Upgrade of RoRo ramp in the Port of Bilbao
The objective of this activity is to ensure high standard RoRo traffic handling of the “Biscay Line”MoS service in the Port of Bilbao. The existing out-dated Ro Ro ramp n.3 will be replaced by a technically modified and upgraded existing ramp in the port. This will result in productivity and capacity improvements at Quay Vizcaya in relation to the maritime link.
The floating pontoon RoRo ramp n. 5 will be connected to the quay by a bridge which will adopt variable slopes depending on the tide range. The new ramp will offer an increased handling capacity of 250 tons (increase of 100%) and a bridge width of 10m (increase of 33%).
Besides allowing two lorries passing safely at the same time, the wider bridge will speed up the discharging and loading process.
The existing RoRo ramp n. 5 will be modified in order to fit the current berth called by RoRo vessels. The bridge of the ramp will be rotated to adapt to the existing quay geometry of a straight access to the quay eliminating the current angle with the pontoon of approx.. 30º. In course of the bridge rotations modifications to the supporting structure of the bridge, located on one side of the pontoon surface will be done. The pontoon surface will be lifted on the vessel side of the ramp to exactly fit the RoRo ships deployed by Finnlines on this MoS relation. A lifting of the surface will lead to efficient berthing for the MoS Biscay service vessels.