Project 2014-ES-TM-0433-W, CEF-Transport
This project is a part of the wider Global Strategy – «The Bilbao Approach to the Atlantic Corridor» being driven by the Port of Bilbao to face port capacity issues head-on, and to make the strategic investments to ensure its efficient integration into the European core network by 2030.
Future Proofing Bilbao – Core Port of the Atlantic Corridor (hereinafter – Future Proofing Bilbao) constitutes the I Phase of the final stage of major port’s expansion within outer Abra area. Since 1991, the year in which the Outer Abra Expansion works started; the Port Authority of Bilbao has invested nearly 500 million euros to reclaim more than two million square meters from the sea. Three kilometers of piers and one and a half kilometers of outer sea walls have been created and five docks have been built.
The final part of the port of expansion within outer Abra area foresees development of the Central Quay, and it is divided into the 2 parts:
- Phase I of the Central Quay (2014 – 2019) – Quay A6 and Part of Quay A5 with a total new 1,081 m of quay length as well as the creation of an additional 330,000 m2 of port operations area for cargo handling operations. (Future Proofing Bilbao)
- Phase II of the Central Quay (2020-2024) – Quay A4 (665 quay length) and the rest of the Quay A5 (277 m), and development of additional 300.000 m2 port operations area (containerized cargo). Phase II is not part of this Project.
This is a major investment into the ports basic infrastructure, that significantly raises the ports capacity, enabling port to handle increased general cargo and container freight flows, and, in middle term, allows Bilbao to meet traffic growth expectations predicted by the Transport 2050 roadmap to a Single European Transport Area. The two-phase approach for development of the Central Quay is based on necessity to balance the port development needs and predicted capacity constrains on the one hand, and the commercial precaution to avoid overcapacity and deployment on the other.

Future Proofing Bilbao (2015 – 2019) action includes the following activities:
- Development of the Central Quay adjacent area (2015)
- Main infrastructure works of the Central Quay (Phase I) (2016 – 2019)
- Stabilizing Punta Lucero Steep Rock Hillside, using the resulting material for Central Quay (Phase I) Main infrastructure works (2016 – 2018)
- Technical assistance for surveillance and quality control for the Central Quay (Phase I) Main infrastructure works (2016 – 2019)
- Technical assistance for environmental surveillance for the Central Quay (Phase I) Main infrastructure works (2016 – 2019)
- Urbanization of Central Quay Project (Phase I) (2019)
Estimated cost of the action: €116,241,420
Maximum EU contribution: €23,248,284
Percentage of EU support: 20%
Info sheet about this project is available at:
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